In the industry we use three methods for transmitting power from one point to another.Mechanical transmission is through shafts, gears, chains, belts, etc. Electrical transmission isthrough wires, transformers, etc. Fluid power is through liquids or gas in a confined space. In本章将讨论液压系统和气动系统的结构。我们will also discuss the advantages and disadvantages and compare hydraulic, pneumatic,electrical and mechanical systems.
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介绍To Pneumatic System And Components Used in Pneumatic system

Fluid power applications can be classified into two major segments:
Stationary hydraulics:
Stationary hydraulic systems remain firmly fixed in one position. The characteristic feature of stationary hydraulics is that valves are mainly solenoid operated.
The applications of stationary hydraulics are as follows:
- 生产和组装所有类型的车辆。
- Machine tools and transfer lines.
- Lifting and conveying devices.
- Metal-forming presses.
- Plastic machinery such as injection-molding machines.
- Rolling machines.
- Lifts.
- Food processing machinery.
- Automatic handling equipment and robots.
- 汽车,拖拉机,飞机,导弹,船等
- 工程机械。
- Tippers, excavators and elevating platforms.
- Lifting and conveying devices.
- 农业机械。
Hydraulics and pneumatics have almost unlimited application in the production of goods and在该国的几乎所有部门的服务。几个行业依赖于此capabilities that fluid power affords. Table summarizes few applications of fluid power.
Agriculture –Tractors; farm equipment such as mowers, ploughs, chemical and water sprayers, fertilizer spreaders, harvesters Automation Automated transfer lines, robotics
Automobiles –动力转向,动力制动器,悬架系统,静液压传动
Aviation-Fluid power equipment such as landing wheels in aircraft. Helicopters, aircraft trolleys, aircraft test beds, luggage loading and unloading systems, ailerons, aircraft servicing, flight simulators
Construction industry/equipment –用于测光和混合混凝土舵,挖掘机,
lifts, bucket loaders, crawlers, post-hole diggers, road graders, road cleaners, road maintenance vehicles, tippers
Defense –导弹启动系统,导航控制。
制作行业 -手动工具,如气动钻,磨床,钻孔器,铆接机,坚果跑步者
食品与饮品 -All types of food processing equipment, wrapping, bottling,
Foundry –全自动模制机械,炉子倾斜,压铸机
玻璃行业 -真空吸盘处理
Hazardous gaseous areas –Hydraulic fracturing technologies:It involves pumping large volumes of water and sand into a well at high pressure to fracture shale and other tight formations, allowing危险的油和气体流入井。然而,液压压裂具有严重的环境和水污染相关问题。
仪器 -Used to create/operate complex instruments in space rockets, gas turbines, nuclear power plants, industrial labs
Jigs and fixtures –工作持有设备,夹具,塞子,索引器
机械工具 -自动化机床,数控(NC)机床
Materials handling– Jacks, hoists, cranes, forklifts, conveyor systems
Medical– Medical equipment such as breathing assistors, heart assist devices, cardiac compression machines, dental drives and human patient simulator
Movies- 特效设备使用液体功率;侏罗纪公园,颌骨,蟒蛇,泰坦尼克等电影
Mining-Rock drills, excavating equipment, ore conveyors, loaders.
Press tools –Heavy duty presses for bulk metal formation such as sheet metal, forging, bending, punching, etc.
Printing industry– For paper feeding, packaging
机器人– Fluid power operated robots, pneumatic systems
船舶- 稳定系统,卸载和装载单元,陀螺仪器,平面形式,升降机,海底检测设备
Textiles –我们b tensioning devices, trolleys, process controllers Transportation Hydraulic elevators, winches, overhead trams
Under sea-submarines,在海上研究车辆,海洋驱动和控制船舶
Wood working-Tree shearers, handling huge logs, feeding clamping and saw operations