Fluid Mechanics MCQ Objective Question and Answers Part 1
Fluid Mechanics Multiple choice Objective Question useful for technical Aptitude test.
(b) always expands until it fills any container
(c) has the same shear stress.at a point regardless of its motion
(d) cannot remain at rest under action of any shear force
(e) flows.
Ans: d
(b) flow
(c) shape
(d) volume
(e) temperature.
Ans: c
(b) possess surface tension
(c) are compressible
(e) possess none of the above properties.
Ans: d
(b) fluid pressure is zero
(c) linear deformation is small
(d) only normal stresses can exist
(e) viscosity is nil.
Ans: d
(b) inviscous
(c) viscous and incompressible
(d) inviscous and compressible
(e) inviscous and incompressible.
Ans: e
(b) Newton’s law of viscosity
(c) Pascal’ law
(d) Continuity equation
(e) Boundary layer theory.
Ans: d
(b) water
(c) gas
(d) perfect solid
(e) ideal fluid.
Ans: e
(b) volumetric index
(c) compressibility
(d) adhesion
(e) cohesion.
Ans: c
(b) occupy definite volume
(c) are not affected by change in pressure and temperature
(d) are not viscous
(e) none of the above.
Ans: e
(b) 0°K
(c) 4°C
(d) 100°C
(e) 20°C.
Ans: c
(b) 1000
(c) 100
(d) 101.9
(e) 91
Ans: d
(b) cohesion
(c) viscosity
(d) compressibility
(e) surface tension.
Ans: b
(b) cohesion
(c) surface tension
(d) viscosity
(e) compressibility.
Ans: c
(b) surface tension
(c) cohesion
(d) adhesion
(e) viscosity.
Ans: c
(b) cohesion
(c) viscosity
(d) compressibility
(e) surface tension.
Ans: a
(b) at 4°C temperature
(c) at mean sea level
(d) all the above
(e) none of the above.
Ans: d
(b) 10000 N/m3
(c) 9.81 x lO3 N/m3
(d) 9.81 x lO6 N/m3
(e) 9.81 N/m3.
Ans: c
(b) steady state
(c) laminar
(d) uniform
(e) static.
Ans: d
(a) specific weight
(b) specific volume
(c) specific speed
(d) specific gravity
(e) specific viscosity.
Ans: d
(b) it has uniform viscosity
(c) it has zero viscosity
(d) it is frictionless
(e) it is at rest.
Ans: e
(b) viscous
(c) viscous and static
(d) inviscous and moving
(e) viscous and moving.
Ans: e
(b) 9.81 m/sec2
(c) 10.2/m sec
(d) 9.75 m/sec2
(e) 9 m/sec .
Ans: a
(a) cohesion
(b) adhesion
(c) viscosity
(d) surface tension
(e) elasticity.
Ans: d
(b) less
(c) same
(d) more or less depending on size of glass tube
(e) none of the above.
Ans: a
(b) has zero viscosity
(c) is in compressible
(d) is of theoretical interest
(e) none of the above.
Ans: e
(b) increases
(c) decreases
(d) shows erratic behavior
(e) none of the above.
Ans: d
(b) compressive stress
(c) shear stress
(d) bending stress
(e) all of the above.
Ans: c
(b) lower
(c) same
(d) higher/lower depending on temperature
(e) unpredictable.
Ans: a
(b) decreases
(c) remains constant
(d) increases first up to certain limit and then decreases
(e) unpredictable.
Ans: a
(b) increases with pressure
(c) is large when fluid is more compressible
(d) is independent of pressure and viscosity
(e) is directly proportional to flow.
Ans: b
(b) Archimedes principle
(c) principle of buoyancy
(d) all of the above
(e) continuity equation.
Ans: d
(b) 2100
(c) 2700
(d) 10,000
(e) 21,000.
Ans: e
(b) increase in viscosity of liquid
(c) decrease in viscosity of gas
(d) decrease in viscosity of liquid
(e) (a) and (d) above.
Ans: d
(b) newtons/m
(c) new tons/m
(d) newtons
(e) newton m.
Ans: c
(b) is also known as capillarity
(c) is a function of the curvature of the interface
(d) decreases with fall in temperature
(e) has no units.
Ans: a
(b) parabolic
(c) hyperbolic
(d) inverse type
(e) none of the above.
Ans: a
(b) 4000 kg/cm2
(c) 40 x 105 kg/cm2
(d) 40 x 106 kg/cm2
(e) none of the above.
Ans: b
(b) kg sec/metre
(c) newton-sec per metre2
(d) newton-sec per meter
(e) none of the above.
Ans: b
(b) distance
(c) level
(d) flow
(e) density.
Ans: e
(b) distance
(c) both of the above
(d) it has no units
(e) none of the above.
Ans: c
(b) Say bolt
(c) Engler
(d) Orsat
(e) none of the above.
Ans: d
(b) dynamicviscosity = kinematicviscosity x density
(c) gravity = specific gravity x density
(d) kinematicviscosity = dynamicviscosity x density
(e) hydrostaticforce = surface tension x gravity.
Ans: b
(b) MlL°Tx
(c) MlL r2
(d) MlL2T2
(e) MlL°t.
Ans: a
(b) lower surface tension
(c) surface tension is no criterion
(d) high density and viscosity
Ans: a
(b) 50 cm
(c) 52 cm
(d) 52.2 cm
(e) 51.7 cm.
Ans: a
Alcohol is used in manometer, because
(b) it provides suitable meniscus for the inclined tube
(c) its density is less
(d) it provides longer length for a given pressure difference
(e) it provides accurate readings.
Ans: a
(b) pco2/?2/2
(c) 2pa2R2
(d) pa2R/2
(e) none of the above.
Ans: b
(b) adhesion
(c) cohesion
(d) viscosity
(e) all of the above.
Ans: d
(b) fluids conform to the shape of the containing vessels
(c) when in equilibrium, fluids cannot sustain tangential forces
(e) fluids have some degree of comprehensibility and offer little resistance to form.
Ans: d
(b) 0°K
(c) 4°C (d) 20°C
(e) all temperature.
Ans: c