Evaporator :
Construction of Evaporator :
Working of Evaporator:
When the air conditioning system is turned on, warm air from the passenger compartment is blown through the coils and fins of the evaporator. The evaporator receives refrigerant from the thermostatic expansion valve or orifice tube as low pressure, cold atomized liquid. As the cold refrigerant passes through the evaporator coil, heat moves from the warm air into the cooler refrigerant. When the liquid refrigerant receives enough heat, a change of state – from a low-pressure liquid into a low-Pressure vapor – takes place.
Evaporators are divided mainly into three groups.
i) Evaporating pans
ii) Evaporating stills
2) Forced circulation evaporator.
3) Film evaporator
i) Wiped Film evaporator
a) Climbing film evaporator
b) Falling film evaporator Types of Evaporators.
Flooded type of evaporator feeds excess of liquid refrigerant so that the exit of the evaporator will be a mixture of liquid and vapor refrigerant.
In the flooded type of evaporator coil remains completely filled with liquid refrigerant as shown in the figure. The level of liquid refrigerant is maintained constant in the surge chamber by using float control. The liquid refrigerant enters into evaporator coil from the surge chamber. In evaporator coil, part of liquid refrigerant boils and converts into vapor. The vapor formed is collected at the top of the surge chamber and the remaining liquid refrigerant is returned to the surge chamber. From the top of the surge chamber, refrigerant vapors are drawn in the suction line of the compressor. In the flooded type evaporator rate of heat transfer is very high as the whole evaporator coil remains in contact with liquid refrigerant but this type of refrigerant requires a large amount of refrigerant.
Applications of flooded type evaporator:-
1) Large installations, where refrigerating capacity is high.
The finned evaporators are the bare tube type of evaporators covered with the fins. When the fluid (air or water) to be chilled flows over the bare tube evaporator lots of cooling effect from the refrigerant goes wasted since there is less surface for the transfer of heat from the fluid to the refrigerant. The fluid tends to move between the open spaces of the tubing and does not come in contact with the surface of the coil, thus the bare tube evaporators are less effective. The fins on the external surface of the bare tube evaporators increase the contact surface of the of the metallic tubing with the fluid and increase the heat transfer rate, thus the finned evaporators are more effective than the bare tube evaporators.
The fins are the external protrusions from the surface of the coil and they extend into the open space. For the fins to be effective it is very important that there is very good contact between the coil and the fins. In some cases, the fins are soldered directly to the surface of the coil and in other cases, the fins are just slipped over the surface of the fins, and then they are expanded thus ensuring close thermal contact between the two. Tough the fins help increase the heat transfer, rate, adding them beyond certain numbers won’t produce any additional benefits, hence the only a certain number of fins should be applied on the external surface of the tube.
In the dry-expansion evaporator, the liquid refrigerant is generally fed by an expansion valve. The expansion valve controls the rate of flow of refrigerant to the evaporator in such a way that all the liquid is vaporized and the vapor is also superheated to a limited extent by the time it reaches the outlet end. At the inlet of the evaporator, the refrigerant is predominantly in the liquid form with a small amount of vapor formed as a result of flashing at the expansion valve.
当制冷剂通过蒸发器时,越来越多的液体会被负载蒸发。制冷剂到达蒸发器的末端时,纯粹是在蒸气状态下,并且过热。因此,其长度的蒸发器充满了不同比例的液体和蒸气。蒸发剂中的液体量会随蒸发器上的负载而变化。蒸发器的内部远非“干”,但用液体润湿。All the same, this type is called the ‘dry-expansion’ system to distinguish it from the ‘flooded’ system and also probably because by the time the refrigerant reaches the evaporator outlet it is no more wet (no liquid) but dry (superheated) vapor.
Principle :
参与这个蒸发过程的机制is conduction and convection. The material is placed in the jacketed kettle. Steam provides heat to a jacketed kettle in which the aqueous extract is placed. The raised temperature increases the tendency of the solvent molecules to escape into the vapors.
Construction :
Working :
Pharmaceutical Applications :
- It is suitable for concentrating aqueous liquids.
- It is also suitable for concentrating thermostable liquors.
Advantages of the Steam jacketed kettle :
- 简单的conducton
- Easy to operate
- Maintenance and installation cost is low
- The product can be easily removed.
- 用于小规模和大型操作。
Disadvantages of steam jacketed kettle :
- 不适合热敏感产品。
- 加热面积受到限制,并且与锅尺寸的增加成比例减少。
- Used only for aqueous liquids.
- 许多产品产生泡沫。
- Open pan leads to saturation of the atmosphere and product discomfort.
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